Sunday 26 September 2010


The basic storyline in my music video:

Things in life come and go, you just have to experience it and let it happen. Don't dwell on things in the past, be ready for the future and all it holds without clinging onto the past in reminiscent. To remember the good parts but also why things changed and things happen for a reason, "it just wasn't meant to be".

Look at how new music videos are reflecting real life situations engaging the audience to show that everyone experiences it and you can move on to happier times from difficult moments.

There is so much to experience in the world so there is no point sitting around doing nothing, think of the future and what you want to do with your life i.e - travelling, working, getting married and having a family, meeting new people in new places.

1 comment:

  1. This is evocatively written but you need to post treatment based on guidelines given. Please sort out labels asap.
