Monday 4 October 2010

Explain what Find Your Tribes implies about the concept of identity in today's world:

Find your tribe implies Britain youth culture has rapidly changed, “we’ve moved from an age which saw one or two youth tribes in effect at any given time to one where tribes are fragmented and fractured, where they’re fluid and interchangeable; where tribes bleed into each other and create whole new groupings, and where changing social and cultural circumstances and mirrored in the make-up of Britain’s youth tribes”. When looking back at other social cultures at the end of John Hughes’ high school classic, The Breakfast Club, “Molly Ringwald’s observation of geeks, prom queens, freaks and jocks and pushed them through our own cultural filter we’d end up with a different roll-call: trendies and trackies, chavs and indie kids”.

Michel Maffesoli agrees that today “social existence is conducted through fragmented tribal groupings, organised around the catchwords, brand-names and sound-bites of consumer culture”. Such groupings could include ‘chavs’ which has catchwords such as “bruv, lol, blud, wuu2, wubu2,” <>

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