Wednesday 5 January 2011

Music video images- GENERIC STILLS~ Florence and the machine

The stills below are generic and have connotations of emotions for the music. The colours are warm and display the genre of indie or hippy, and the fabrics and style of clothing represent a vintage theme. The stills are useful for my music video as the genre is similar.

I like how the sunshine reflects into the mise-en-scene, thus would like to capture this element and effect into the production of my music video. I want the sunshine to be reflected over the main character when he is biking past the open fields. This will show a characteristic of the folk genre through the showing the countryside in nostalgia etc. Also it will emphasise the lyrics of the song, of time passing.

If I were to film in black and white I would like to have many close-ups of the main character being metaphorically engulfed in nature. The colouring will reflect the time period I want to portray. For example in the shot below, the male figure is wearing a hat which is originally from the 18th century which could convey the shot to be from any era. The ambient lighting is a convention of the indie music genre conveying idyllic imagery.

The soft colouring in the shots portray a summer's day, and conveys the emotions of love. The soft colouring would be useful for the production of my music video as it will convey the love between the two characters- craig and imogen. It will also show how even though friendships may end it can be a natural process and a positive happy one.

The above shot recreates the romantic era through the clothing + the elegant movements of the women. The location shows the convention of folk and the acoustic guitar is an iconic object of the genre.

1 comment:

  1. Add comment on how you will use and create these colours in your own video. Very constructed mise-en-scene and theatrical costumes. Is this something you wanted to create or decided not to do?
