Monday 7 March 2011

I think this shot represents the genre of acoustic perfectly with the guitar and the country location. The reflection of the sunlight over the singer portrays the atmosphere of the music and also conveys the narrative in the music video.
The expression on the singer is not directed at the audience, making another theme in the folk genre, as it is not a posed position, and focuses attention more on where he is sitting, and the image as a whole. As his body is faced towards the audience, it still draws the audience into the shot, however, it is not personal with eye contact. I think the still image sums up the music video, which is split between a narrative, and a performance. It shows the performance part of the video, but I believe this is important as the narrative of the music video can be now made- up by the audience. By this I mean the audience can make- up their own storyline, to the track list, making it more personal. If I used a shot from "The Playhouse", or a shot with more than the main character,- Craig, then the audience may not understand what the shot represents, unless prior to seeing the digipak they had watched the music video.

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