Wednesday 15 September 2010

location ideas:

I have specifically chosen my main location for the shooting of the music video which is a field in Postwick; as it is a place of tranquility for myself and my friend Craig. We often go on bike rides around Postwick as it is situated closely where we both live. I want to include these locations into the production of the music video as they are a conventional image for the acoustic folk genre. It also makes the production more personal hopefully making it more relatable to the indended audience.

The locations make the narrative of the music video more clear; the field depicts a vivid imagery of summer whereas the shots of the bike ride portrays the "ride of life" and the journey the main character goes through.

Below is a location shot, which looks similar to the field I have chosen to film in. I have used this photo as it has a very relaxed atmosphere and gives a positive connotation of the countryside. In the music video there will be clips of him singing and playing the quitar in a location which looks similar.

I like the picture below, as it reminds me of when I lived in Cumbria. The picture creates an idyllic portrayal of a warm summers day. The grass is vibrantly green showing it is full of life and therefore connotes happiness. However in the above photo the field has just been harvested showing the end of a season and life in the field.

Other than the shots of Craig singing and playing guitar in the field I want to have shots of him spending time with his friends and partically Imogen. There is going to be deeper narrative of not only friendship but also relationships and it will suggest a past relationship between the two characters. I will focus more on Imogen and there will be shots of her and another guy suggesting she has moved on and so should Craig. This will be told through Craig biking.

The above photos are from "Skins" I really like the shots as it is as if the audience is following the two characters. I want this aspect in my music video as I want it to be not only a personal journey for Craig but also for the audience. I want the audience to feel an intimate insight of Craig's life and feel like they are there going through it with him and want the insight to be a positive one.

1 comment:

  1. These shots have a clear mood. The palm tree worries me! Post some location shots of the park and develop the ideas you have for your video.
